About: Prophet
Joel Grover
Prophet Joel studied at Zion Bible College and graduated in May 2014. He was saved and supernaturally changed at the age of 22 and has never looked back. He has dedicated his life to the work of full-time ministry including prophetic training, inner healing and deliverance, Biblical teaching, discipleship and mentorship. God is using him in powerful ways within the United States and Internationally. His heart's desire is to see his generation saved, delivered, set free and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. That the body of Christ would walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for by dying on the Cross. He believes that everyone can live a sin free life and has access to the "Abundant Life" offered in Jesus Christ. We don't have to suffer in this life and wait until we get to Heaven, but as we live on Earth we can live in full abundance both Spiritually and physically. Therefore the heart and mission of our ministry is to
1) promote a life of abundance in Christ
2) fulfill "The Great Commission"
John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
Our Beliefs:
We believe the scriptures are inspired by God - 2 Timothy 3:15-17
We believe there is only one True God who is revealed in three people. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Trinity) Deuteronomy 6:4
We believe in Salvation for all souls to those who will repent and confess Jesus is their Savior - John 3:3
We believe Jesus was both human and divine - Matthew 1:23
We believe that mankind fell into sin and that brought death into the physical and spiritual world - Genesis 3:6
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit to empower believers to witness about Jesus Christ - Acts 1:4
We believe the physical evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues - Acts 2:4
We believe that we have been given power by the Holy Spirit to live a sin free life - Romans 6:14
We believe divine healing is a covenant promise for all Christians because of the blood that was shed for us on the cross - Isaiah 53:5-7
We believe in the great commission and Jesus has called all believers who is the body of Christ to seek and save all who are lost in sin - Matthew 28:19-20
We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ after He raptures His church. All Christians will be with the Lord forever - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
We believe in the final judgement that will take place for those who have rejected Christ and they will face an eternal punishment and be thrown into the lake of fire - Revelation 21:8
We believe in the New heaven and New earth that Jesus prepares for all people who have accepted Him - Revelation 21:1